Our community relies on YOUR generosity!
Whatever your skills or time commitment, whether in person or from home, we have many ways for you to contribute and make a positive impact.
Our goal is to connect as many engaged people as possible to the school in whatever ways they are willing to participate.
Please let us know if you have any questions about the volunteer roles listed below. You can email us directly at president@emspta.org
7th Grade Gaga Ball Social (7th Grade Parents)
Parent Social
Here are some examples of the various PTA roles that you can choose from.
Based on your interest
Are you a people person and veteran of the town? |
Lead our newcomer committee. |
Are you good at communications? |
Take charge of all digital communications for the PTA. |
Do you like taking photos? |
Join the EMSPTA as a media manager. |
Would you like to help us celebrate the graduating class of EMS? |
Chair one of our many 8th-grade-specific events. |
Are you good with finances? |
Become assistant treasurer for EMSPTA. |
Based on time commitment
2 Year Commitment, Year round | Take a PTA Board Role |
2-3 hours a week, flexible, Virtual | Help the communications team |
Only for brief periods during the year, in-person & virtual | Spearhead specific Events & Programs |
Volunteers are encouraged to be paid members of the EMS PTA. Please respect the privacy of students and families and do not share any information that you may overhear or get access to during your volunteer responsibilities.
*requires login
Incoming Parents of EMS -Create a free profile. See how.
You can use the same login credentials if you have an MTK profile/Login credentials from ISDPTA, NMSPTA, OGSPTA, RIVPTA, or GHSPTA
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Click to expand to read about the various roles in detail.
+PTA Co-Presidents
Lead, motivate and coordinate with the Board of Directors and PTA committees. Maintain a close working relationship with administration and staff. Represent EMS on the PTA Council. Oversee all communication between the PTA and parents. Work closely with the school and VPs to manage a calendar of PTA-funded programs and initiatives. Maintain fiscal responsibility and overall financial well-being of the organization. Keep parents apprised of District Legislative and budgetary issues. Update by-laws in compliance with CT PTA.
Each Board member will also be responsible for giving a quick summary of one BOE meeting throughout the year. They may attend it in person, via Zoom, or give a summary from the recording. BOE schedule will be given during the Transition meeting.
This is a board role and is for 2 years.
Gatorwalk Committee
Coordinates Gatorwalk, a one-day school-wide fundraising event in October, with EMS staff in the front office. Procure donations as needed. Work with VP Communications to arrange volunteer and donation sign-ups and promote awareness via GatorBytes.
Gator Gear/ Spirit Wear
Contract with local vendor for the purchase of EMS spirit wear. Some availability in the summer is required to be prepared for the coming school year. Staff in-person spirit wear sales 5 times throughout the year and ensure the online sales platform through vendor is up to date.
Washington DC Fundraising Committee (6 positions)
Volunteers will serve on the DC Fundraising Committee in conjunction with representatives from CMS and WMS to coordinate community-wide fundraising for the 8th grade Washington, DC trip. Additionally, they will liaise with school staff to coordinate a school-wide DC Fundraiser (e.g. DC Dunks Free Throw challenge) in the Spring.
PTA Membership
Coordinates the PTA Membership drive early in the school year by engaging the school community. Responsibilities include creating and implementing strategies to increase PTA membership and incentive options and organizing membership drives during several PTA events to attract new members. Will be working closely with the Co-presidents and VP of Communications in this role. This role may require some planning during the summer.
International Day
Coordinate the EMS International Day event with EMS lead (Meghan Moore) and PTA community, works with VP Communication to arrange volunteer sign-up, and promotes awareness via GatorBytes.
The Amazing Tween Years Parent Program Coordinator
Coordinate the Roundtable Parent Coffees with EMS and EMS parents, works with VP Communication to promote awareness via GatorBytes and emspta.org. Helps to generate speaker ideas. Arrange refreshments.
Responsible for putting together the agenda for executive committee meetings and recording minutes. Shall archive all records with Treasury information for auditing purposes. Heads the Nominating committee and is responsible for drawing up a new slate. Updates by-laws as required. Maintains a membership list of PTA members and current copy of By-laws.
Each Board member will also be responsible for giving a quick summary of one BOE meeting throughout the year. They may attend it in person, via zoom or give a summary from the recording. BOE schedule will be given during the Transition meeting.
This is a board role and is for 2 years.
Representatives from all feeder schools recruit volunteers to participate in the PTA. Seeks diverse/broad representation. Typically meets February through April. Consists of 2 co-chairs and 5 members.
VP of Communications
Work with other board members on identifying and helping with the different communication needs of the PTA. Coordinates and assists as necessary with Digital Communications, Gatorbytes, EMS PTA Website, Publicity, Photography. Ensuring data accuracy including online directory, calendar on EMSPTA.org and other outward communications. Documenting the key processes and keeping up to date the planning documents for VPs and Chairs of events and programs.
Each Board member will also be responsible for giving a quick summary of one BOE meeting throughout the year. They may attend it in person, via zoom or give a summary from the recording. BOE schedule will be given during the Transition meeting.
This is a board role and is for 2 years.
Gatorbytes Newsletter
Manages, compiles, edits & publishes submissions from Board and Committee Chairs for weekly PTA newsletter highlighting PTA events, school activities, volunteer opportunities and other pertinent information including reminders for such submissions. Prepares drafts to be reviewed by VP Comm and PTA Co-Presidents. The committee divides responsibilities and rotates on a monthly basis so that it’s not a full-year commitment.
Time Commitment -2 hours a week (Specific days in a week every alternate month)
In-person or Virtual -Can be done virtually
Volunteers Required - 2
Membership Toolkit- EMSPTA.org -NO CODING EXPERIENCE NEEDED. EMSPTA.ORG is the PTA’s central hub for up-to-date information and access to many PTA events and programs. The content is authored by the Committee Chairs.
- Webmaster/Content Manager - Works with Board of Directors, Committees, and Co-Presidents to communicate important information to entire PTA membership via Membership Toolkit (MTK), including standard emails, quick emails and web notifications. Content Management - Works with the VP Communications and PTA Committees to maintain and ensure content on their pages is up-to-date, accurate, and properly formatted on the EMSPTA.ORG website (Membership Toolkit) and the EMS PTA web pages on the GPS website. Attend district web training as needed.
- Time Commitment -3-4 hours a week (Flexible)
- In-person or Virtual -Can be done virtually
- Sales & Signups - Works with PTA membership Chair to set up PTA membership on MTK for the new year. Help committee chairs to set-up any ticket sales and/or Volunteer Signups.
- Time Commitment -2-3 hours a week (based on event)
- In-person or Virtual -Can be done virtually
- Volunteers Required - 2
Graphic Designer
Update and maintain the current collection of PTA graphics used in PTA communications and web content. Work with committees to create new graphics/designs as needed. These may include logos, banners, buttons, flyers and other key documents.
Time Commitment -2-3 hours a month (Flexible, as and when needed)
In-person or Virtual -Can be done virtually
Volunteers Required - 1
Coordinates press releases for specific events with committee chairs, Co-Presidents and Principal to inform the public of activities taking place at EMS, and of special accomplishments of students, teachers, staff and PTA. Notifies PTA of online or printed articles to be shared with PTA members.
Time Commitment -2 hours a week
In-person or Virtual -Can be done virtually
Volunteers Required - 1
Photographer/Media Manager
Works with the VP Communications to ensure that photography needs at the school are met. This includes attending PTA and school-sponsored special events and programs as required post-production duties include curating select photos/videos.
Time Commitment - Event Based
In-person or Virtual - In-Person (Post event can be done offline)
Volunteers Required - 1-2
VP Community
Works with PTA President and other Board members to manage EMS Community Committee events and projects. EMS Community Committee’s include Hospitality, Newcomers, Media Center, School Beautification, Building tours, Teacher and Staff Appreciation. Coordinates dates with EMS PTA President. Ensures budget and timelines stay on task. Each committee has 2 chairs and a committee (if needed).
Before the school year starts, at the end of the summer the VP reaches out to all the Committee chairs with introductions and an overview of their events with dates. Making sure the rollover from past chair to new chair with timeline and details was seamless.
Throughout the school year checks in with Chairs to get updates and report to the EMS board.
Each Board member will also be responsible to give a quick summary of one BOE meeting through the year. They may attend it in person, via zoom or give a summary from the recording. BOE schedule will be given during the Transition meeting.
This is a board role and is for 2 years.
The Hospitality committee provides refreshments for PTA events. Coordinates food and beverages for (4) General PTA Meetings, (1) BoE Meeting, a Back-to-School Teacher/Staff Luncheon, and 8th Grade Career Day.
Hospitality chairs also coordinate periodic breakfasts and lunches for teachers and staff throughout the year. They will use food trucks, Garden Catering, Ada’s etc. The PTA presidents will give you the dates for these events.
Newcomers Committee
Coordinates community and school information, and presents it at a welcome coffee in the fall at EMS. Touches base with the front office periodically throughout the year to obtain new family info, and sends welcome email. Organizes 1-3 gatherings for newcomers during the year, depending on interest.
Media Center Displays
Works with Media Center staff to create theme-based designs for large glass display cases in Media Center. Creates (3-4) different displays per year.
School Beautification
Coordinates and implements ideas to beautify the school. Works with front office staff to change the pots seasonally. Brings in potted flowers to the front office for the holidays, provides flowers / table arrangements for staff parties.
Teacher and Staff Appreciation
Organize appreciation breakfast for teachers and staff on AM before Thanksgiving Break (usually that Wednesday) Organizes food contributions, collects gift cards for teacher holiday parties and decorates the lounge. Coordinates the Teacher Appreciation Week in the Spring to honor the dedicated teachers/staff. Restocks teacher lounge with supplies (k cups, etc) 3x a year.
Building Tours
The Building Tours committee gives tours to prospective families looking to send their children to EMS. Typically, the front desk coordinates directly with the committee.
Community Project Coordinator
Will work with EMS School counselor, Meghan Moore to bring community service opportunities to EMS students. These projects will be held every quarter.
+PTAC Coordinator
VP PTAC Coordinator
Liaison between EMS PTA Board and PTAC Representatives (e.g. ALP, AE, Green Schools etc.). Assigned with procuring monthly updates from PTAC Representatives in advance of the EMS Board Meeting, vetting PTAC initiative that may apply to EMS, and ensuring PTAC Representatives are using EMS communication channels (e.g. GatorBytes or MTK webpages) to update the parent community on PTAC initiatives and workshops. The VP PTAC Coordinator may be asked to attend PTAC committee meetings if a PTAC Committee Rep is unavailable to represent EMS.
VP PTAC Coordinator to host one parent information event per year where EMS PTAC Representatives will give updates on PTAC initiatives to the EMS parent community.
Each Board member will also be responsible for giving a quick summary of one BOE meeting throughout the year. They may attend it in person, via zoom or give a summary from the recording. BOE schedule will be given during the Transition meeting.
This is a board role and is for 2 years.
Academic Excellence (Formerly School Improvement Team)
Attends PTA Council AE meetings as representative of EMS and reports to parents about developments in the curriculum. Distributes AE workshop information by way of GatorBytes.
ALP (Advanced Learning Program)
Attends PTA Council ALP meetings as representative of EMS and reports to parents about developments in the ALP program. Required to attend one district meeting per month. Distributes ALP information by way of GatorBytes.
DLE (Digital Learning Environment) Rep
Attends PTA Council DLE meetings as representative of EMS and reports to parents about developments in digital learning. Distributes relevant information by way of GatorBytes.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)
Attends PTA Council DEI meetings as representative of EMS and reports to parents, PTA and school staff about opportunities for DEI. Distributes relevant information by way of GatorBytes.
Facilities (PTAC)
Attend ad hoc PTAC facilities meetings representing the EMS community.
Green Schools Rep
Attends monthly PTA Council committee meetings/workshops to stay abreast of district happenings and share/incorporate ideas. Brings back “Green” happenings to the EMS community and also runs Green events at EMS such as Battery Drives and Reducing Waste in the Cafe.
Health and Wellness
Participates in PTAC Wellness committee, attends monthly district-wide meetings & keeps the EMS PTA informed on committee initiatives like School Start Time and other areas of student health and well-being.
Assists in the selection of financial award recipients, alongside Greenwich Scholarship Association (through PTAC) in late April/early May. The committee also writes brief bios of Book Award recipients to be shared with EMS parents. Awards are presented to GHS seniors who attended EMS.
Special Education (SES-PTAC)
Works with other representatives throughout the district in support of students with special needs & their families. Attends town-wide meetings & communicates program information to the parent body.
2E (Twice Exceptional)
1-2 representatives to act as an EMS delegate to PTAC 2E program. 2E learners are students who are both advanced or “gifted” and have a special need or disability. Reps advocate for 2E students, help families become better acquainted with educational options, and provide a network of support for parents/guardians. Responsibilities include attending 3-4 PTAC 2E meetings, distributing 2E information obtained through PTAC to the EMS community and providing monthly updates to the EMS PTA Executive Committee.
+Events and Programs (2 Positions)
VPs of Events and Programs
Oversees all events held by the PTA by assisting committee chair with program organization, budgeting and continuity. Evaluates overall effectiveness of the event and makes suggestions for improvements. Serve as a representative to the Board for the following, but not limited to 6th Grade Dances 7th Grade Social Event, 8th Grade Social Event, 8th Grade end-of-year Party/ celebrations, Book Fair, Back to School BBQ/ Picnic, Career Day and Parent Social.
Each Board member will also be responsible to give a quick summary of one BOE meeting through the year. They may attend it in person, via zoom or give a summary from the recording. BOE schedule will be given during the Transition meeting.
This is a board role and is for 2 years.
6th Grade Dances
The responsibilities of this chair include being the main point person for the dance instruction company (Arthur Murray). Identify 5-6 dates throughout the academic year, confirm dates with the front office and submit all facilities/insurance requests, promote the program in school publications, manage volunteers for each event, hire police officers for security, buy prizes for students and manage registration with webmaster via EMS website. The planning for this event required 20-30 hours with approximately 3 hours the week of each dance.
7th Grade Social Event
The chair of this event works with a committee to identify the date and theme for this event. The past couple of years has been a gaga ball party, which was very successful. The chair coordinates securing facilities, entertainment, volunteers, communications in Gator Bytes/onsite fliers and ticket sales, food and beverage, securing off duty Greenwich police officers for security and setup plus cleanup. The event tends to fall on the same evening as 8th grade social. The time commitment for this event is approximately 10 hours.
8th Grade Social Event/ Gaga Ball
The chair of this event works with a committee to identify the date and theme for this event. The past couple of years has been a gaga ball party, which was very successful. The chair coordinates securing facilities, entertainment, volunteers, communications in Gator Bytes/onsite fliers, food and beverage, securing off duty Greenwich police officers for security and setup plus cleanup. The event tends to fall on the same evening as 7th grade social. The time commitment for this event is approximately 10 hours.
8th Grade End-of-Year activities & Celebrations
The front office will provide feedback on what type of event they would like to host. The chair would manage facilities requests, food and beverage, communication, volunteers, etc.
Book Fair
Helps Media Center staff organize and run 2 book fairs per school year. Recruits parent volunteers as needed & promotes events among parents and students with email announcements, communication in GatorBytes etc.
Back-to-school BBQ/Picnic
The chair of this event organizes and staffs this event. It is typically held the first Friday after the start of school. This person will be responsible for managing the facilities request with the front office, getting volunteers to staff events (including membership table, spirit wear, etc.), managing food and beverage, entertainment, and communications. The time commitment is approximately 10 hours.
Career Day
Work with faculty and parents to plan a day for 8th grade students to hear presentations (typically by EMS parents or community members) about specific career options. The committee will need to secure speakers and coordinate logistics for the day. Co-Chairs are generally 8th Grade Parents, and they work closely with Meghan Moore at EMS.
Parent Social
Coordinates parent social/fundraiser to foster school community spirit and to raise money as needed. Involved in procuring event sites, producing invitations, recruiting volunteers, managing budget, promoting event, etc.
Responsible for making and documenting all expenses and deposits. Maintains complete and accurate accounting records by entering all transactions into QuickBooks platform. Ensures appropriate insurance policy is in place and updated annually. Oversees completion of annual tax return and audit by our accountant. Assists accountant in preparing Form 1099s due to qualifying vendors each January. Responsible for budget planning and tracking. Works with third party corporate matching vendors to facilitate corporate match payments.
Each Board member will also be responsible for giving a quick summary of one BOE meeting throughout the year. They may attend it in person, via zoom or give a summary from the recording. BOE schedule will be given during the Transition meeting.
All work can be completed from home and the time commitment is approximately 2-4 hours per week.
This is a board role and is for 2 years.
Assistant Treasurer
Responsible for monthly reconciliation of Checking, Savings, PayPal and Stripe accounts. Maintains a complete and accurate record of all account statements and transactions. Prepares annual tax deduction letters for all qualifying donors each January. Generally, supports the Treasurer in any capacity necessary.
Each Board member will also be responsible for giving a quick summary of one BOE meeting throughout the year. They may attend it in person, via zoom or give a summary from the recording. BOE schedule will be given during the Transition meeting.
All work can be completed from home and the time commitment is approximately 1-2 hours per week.
This is a board role and is for 2 years.
+Curriculum Enrichment (2 positions)
VPs Curriculum Enrichment
The team aims to provide diverse and enriching programming to classroom education across the academic, arts and social-emotional learning spectrum for each grade and for EMS as a whole. The team works closely with EMS teachers, staff and administration to host assemblies, workshops and residencies that support an array of subjects including art, music, creative writing, social studies, science, physical education and more. The team (led by two co-chairs) coordinates the programming, manages the budget, liaises with the district and curriculum enrichment officers from other schools to share ideas. They also promote these programs by submitting content to be published in GatorBytes and stand-alone emails to the EMS community. Committee members do not need to be present at school for planned events, but it can be helpful to assess speakers for the following year. (2 hours/week)
Each Board member will also be responsible for giving a quick summary of one BOE meeting through the year. They may attend it in person, via zoom or give a summary from the recording. BOE schedule will be given during the Transition meeting.
This is a board role and is for 2 years.
Veterans Day
Coordinate veterans’ day activities with EMS school staff. Work with VP Communications to arrange volunteer speakers (veterans) and promote awareness via GatorBytes. Procure a ceremonial wreath for the front entrance. Provide refreshments for speakers.
Upcoming Dates
- Friday, March 21
- Tuesday, May 13
- Wednesday, May 14
- Tuesday, May 20